

Mecklenburg County Criminal Defense Law Blog

Things to know about expungement

If arrested, charged and convicted of a crime in North Carolina, the implications of the incidents in question may not only be immediate but far-reaching in life. It might be difficult finding a job after serving a sentence under conviction, for instance. Many people wish…

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When is deadly force permitted under North Carolina law?

It is generally understood that people can use deadly force to defend themselves and their property. But, cases such as these are not always cut-and-dry. A recent case involving a car owner shooting a would-be car thief who was in the process of fleeing has…

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Justice Department announces new focus on white collar victims

When white collar crimes are investigated, several factors are considered. The Justice Department recently announced that they will now be considering the impacts on the victims more significantly in its investigations. It also shared it will be holding executives of companies that enable such crimes more individually…

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What alcohol-related laws are on the books in North Carolina?

Alcohol-related laws can vary greatly from state to state. It is a good idea for those living in North Carolina, or even visiting for a short time, to know what is and isn’t permitted in the state. Understanding these laws is especially relevant to those…

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Physical drug possession vs. constructive drug possession

If North Carolina police take you into custody, it could take days, weeks or longer to process your case. Any number of issues can have an impact on the ultimate outcome, including whether you’re facing drug possession charges or charges related to another type of…

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Lawmakers consider proposal to legalize medical cannabis

Across the United States, multiple locations have amended drug laws in recent years. Changes include legalizing cannabis, reforming drug policies to be more health-focused and decriminalizing certain psychedelics. According to experts, more states are poised to amend marijuana laws in the coming years. Is North Carolina one of the states that could legalize marijuana…

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