Monthly Archives: December 2019


What are the most common white collar crimes?

White collar crimes are unique in many ways. They do not involve violence and are always associated with finances. Sometimes, it is difficult to pinpoint the victims of these crimes because they can be far-reaching in whom they impact. Also, those charged with these crimes…

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Is intellectual property theft a white collar crime?

Intellectual property can include books, art, music, trademarks, designs and video games. The government offers various protect for this type of property that allows you exclusive rights to use and sell it. If someone else uses or tries to claim your work as his or…

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What are the five levels of misdemeanor DWI?

Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a very serious crime in North Carolina. There are currently five levels of misdemeanor DWI, with level 1 considered the most serious offense. In the event a person receives three convictions within a seven-year period, a felony DWI charge will be…

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