Category Archives: Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense

Graffiti may derail your education plans

Now that you have turned 18, you are probably looking forward to finishing your senior year of high school and heading off to college. You are in for a real treat. Not only does college prepare you for joining the workforce, but it is also…

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North Carolina sentencing of misdemeanors and felonies

In North Carolina, there is a range of misdemeanor and felony convictions. According to the North Carolina Courts, the classification of offenses begins at the low end with Class 3 misdemeanors and increases in severity up to Class A felonies. Penalties for misdemeanor vs. felony convictions Misdemeanor…

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What rights do you have if you are stopped by law enforcement?

Being stopped by police in North Carolina can be a terrifying experience. It is easy to become confused and say or do the wrong thing when you are facing law enforcement officials who are accusing you of committing a crime. One of the most important…

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Is criminal expungement becoming easier?

Many people want a clean record. For those in North Carolina with an arrest record, expungement is already a possibility. What some do not realize is that if the courts charge you with a crime that is later dismissed, those arrests remain on your record.…

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Top behavior risks in a police arrest

Being arrested is not anyone’s idea of a good time. Arresting someone is not even law enforcement’s idea of a good time. Police officers are doing their job. They always appreciate a suspect who is willing to help them speed up the process. A canine…

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Eligibility for North Carolina’s jail diversion program

A diversion program, as defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica, is a program that seeks to help the defendant of a criminal case avoid the formal processing of a convicted offender. Though diversion programs take many forms, the typical program diverts a person whom the courts would otherwise…

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