

Mecklenburg County Criminal Defense Law Blog

Search warrants: The need for probable cause

Perhaps you committed a minor traffic offense in North Carolina, and an officer pulled over your vehicle. The officer asks you whether you would consent to a search of your car as the officer believes he or she smells marijuana coming from your vehicle. If…

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Helping your parent deal with drug charges

Often, when people think of drug charges that can create turmoil in a family, they may think of a parent who is struggling with a drug offense that their teen has been accused of. However, there may be times when an adult child finds themselves…

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Knowing when words become threats

Nearly everyone in Charlotte is susceptible to saying something they do not mean in the heat of the moment. This understanding is often expected, which is why many come to us here at The Law Office of Kevin L. Barnett surprised when their words result in criminal…

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Proving criminal intent

Most might assume that proving that a white collar crime was committed would be fairly straightforward; one need only identify scenarios were well-intentioned investors lost a good deal of money due to the promises of the schemer. Yet does the mere fact that you, as…

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Eyewitness testimony is not always accurate

Most people have watched crime shows where the guilty party is picked out of a police lineup by a witness to the crime. The witness’s testimony is used at trial to send the wrongdoer to prison. TV makes it all seem so simple. However, as…

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Dealing with lost property in North Carolina

Most in Charlotte may not have any difficulty defining what “theft” is: someone taking something from another. This may be why excuses offered by as to why someone was found to be in possession of another’s property are dismissed as being just that. At the…

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